Unvanished sculpture for Kent Morris, Steel and perspex sculpture in 6m diameter pond
Unvanished sculpture for Kent Morris, Steel and perspex sculpture in 6m diameter pond
Casting of 15 000 shields for Jonathan Jones For the 32nd Kaldor Public Art Project Wiradjuri/Kamilaroi artist Jonathan Jones presented barrangal dyara (skin and bones), a vast sculptural installation stretching across 20,000 square-metres of the Royal Botanic Garden. The Project recalled the 19th century Garden Palace building where it originally stood in Sydney’s Royal Botanic Garden, before it […]
The Guardians’, by Bruce Armstrong, Hyatt, Melbourne CBD (2008)
Worksafe Victoria Megaphone, Worksafe Campaign: Intervention Activity (2009) Client: Worksafe Victoria Works: 4 metre high sculpture for use in television and live advertising campaign; Mixed media: fibreglass/foam with electical component and working megaphone.